International Conference on Woman



26-27, September, 2024


Plenary sessions will be broadcasted in real time. Communications and posters can be presented online.


2nd call: 31st | MAY | 2024

Woman XXI is not just another conference about women, it is a meeting of ideas, experiences, points of view, questions, debates, heated discussions and sharing of experiences, not only about women, but about the extensive and complex universe of gender. It is a place where the plurality of being a woman in the 21st century is discussed, with all of its nuances and diverse approaches that the theme requires.

An informal and multidisciplinary meeting on a multitude of areas of social life that, in one way or another, gravitate around gender issues and are influenced by them. A favourable moment to holistic and critical views on a group of current and relevant phenomena that concern everyone, and which aims to contribute to the deepening of knowledge on the topics under discussion.

This is a space for sharing specialised knowledge, but also the daily experiences of all those who, for personal or professional reasons, may be interested in this topic.

Once again, Woman XXI | International Conference on Woman opens the door to multidisciplinary dialogue, involving a variety of fields in a debate of common interest: from Medicine to Sociology, through Sports, Nutrition, History, Law, Arts and Architecture; all fields come together in a unique and memorable opportunity to share contributions, experiences and knowledge.

Come and join us in the discussion and follow the news through the hashtag #womanxxi2024


Logo Woman XXI 2024

Before submitting your abstract or making your registration, please read carefully the conference rules.


Hugo Pedro Silva Costa Rodrigues

Pediatra | CH Alto Minho - V. Castelo


Hugo Pedro Silva Costa Rodrigues

Pediatra | CH Alto Minho - V. Castelo


Pediatrics, Local Unit of Health Alto Minho, EPE. Lecturer on the School of Health Sciencies of Minho; Trainer of Pediatric's Life Advanced Support, by theEuropean Ressuscitation Council. Member of the the board of Portuguese Society of Adolescence Medicine and author of the books  “Pediatra para Todos” and “Primeiros Socorros - Bebés e Crianças”. Author of the blog and app for android “Pediatria para Todos”. Colaborator on the program  “A Tarde é Sua” on TVI and “Filhos e Cadilhos” on Porto Canal.  Colaborator of Visão magazine and Saúda magazine. 

Manuela Hargreaves

Universidade do Porto


Manuela Hargreaves

Universidade do Porto


Holds a PhD in Patrimony Studies - History of Art (FLUP) and is a lecturer, curator and researcher. She systematically conducts interviews with agents from the Portuguese art world, which appear in the books Colecionismo e Mercado de Arte em Portugal – O Território e o Mapa (Edições Afrontamento, 2013) and Mulheres e Cultura Artística em Portugal – O Território e o Mapa (Edições Afrontamento, 2020).
Recently published the book Deslaçar o Fio da História, Mulheres Artistas em Portugal l (Edições Afrontamento, 2022).
Regularly collaborates with various academic institutions, foundations, museums and galleries to organise conferences, debates and seminars.
In recent years her work has focussed on issues of Art and Gender

Sandra Fernandes

Universidade do Minho


Sandra Fernandes

Universidade do Minho


Professora e investigadora na Universidade do Minho, com doutoramento em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais pela Sciences Po Paris. O seu currículo académico inclui a ação externa da União Europeia e as suas relações com a Rússia, o espaço pós-soviético, o multilateralismo, análise de política externa e segurança internacional. Os seus contributos para a área têm merecido reconhecimento, incluindo o prémio Jacques Delors em 2005, a eleição para integrar os corpos dirigentes da Associação Portuguesa de Ciência Política (APCP), a nomeação para representante do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) no ensino superior das Forças Armadas, e convites em várias universidades na Bélgica, Eslovénia, Estónia, Finlândia, Polónia, Turquia e Rússia.

Formou e procurou inspirar várias gerações de estudantes universitários, promovendo o seu envolvimento em domínios que impactam a sociedade portuguesa e as políticas do país. A sua influência estende-se para além do meio académico, como comprovam as suas colaborações com o Ministério dos Negócios Estrangeiros de Portugal e de vários outros países, com o Ministério da Defesa Nacional e os convites para exercer funções de facilitadora de diálogo. Sandra Fernandes é regularmente entrevistada por órgãos de comunicação social nacionais e estrangeiros onde partilha a sua opinião especializada sobre política internacional.

O seu conhecimento especializado encontra-se disponível em mais de 100 publicações em diferentes meios, tais como revistas científicas, livros e working papers. As intervenções nos meios de comunicação social e os artigos de opinião constituem uma forma adicional de divulgação dos seus conhecimentos especializados a um público mais vasto.

Sofia Ravara

Pulmonologist. Professor and researcher at UBI


Sofia Ravara

Pulmonologist. Professor and researcher at UBI


Sofia Ravara is consultant of Pulmonology and Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at the University Hospital / University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal; and associate researcher at National School of Public Health, NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal. Her research interests are prevention and control of respiratory diseases. Her work as a respiratory physician in major hospitals gave her the understanding on how tobacco harms population health. She holds a Master’s Degree in Tobacco Control (Cantabria University, Spain), and has been working in hospital-based smoking-cessation clinics, workplace cessation programs, hospital smoke-free network and health professionals training. As a consequence, she was naturally grounded in health policy and advocacy and ended to work passionately on these fields.  Dr Ravara collaborates with several medical scientific societies and tobacco control ONGs and networks across Europe. To date, she has co-authored over 55 peer-review papers and 20 book chapters, supervised 30 Master Dissertations and collaborated in 3 PhD thesis; and participated in research projects submission to the Portuguese Government, the European Commission and the Pharmaceutical Industry.  Dr Ravara has been an ERS officer and a member of the ERS Tobacco Control Committee (2012-20) and has collaborated with WHO in supporting countries to strengthen health systems in tobacco dependence treatment and gender policies. She is a member of the National Committee on Health Literacy, Portuguese Directorate of Health; board member of the International Network of Women Against Tobacco (INWAT) Europe; and editorial member of Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, Journal of Substance Use, and Preventión del Tabaquismo

Teresa Leão

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto


Teresa Leão

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto


Vânia Beliz

Psychologist and Sexologist


Vânia Beliz

Psychologist and Sexologist

Gratuated in Clinical Psychology, master degree in sexology, wrote in 2010 the first book in this area - “Ponto Quê” about female sexuality.In January of 2016 was a co-author of the book and project in the Sexual Education area, "A viagem de Peludim". For 3 years performed in Curto Circuito, Sic Radical, in a section dedicated to young people, about sexuality. Cooperates in many projects in the social area, sexual education and school support in Programas de Educação para a Saúde, PES.

Often participates as a commentator on TV, usually cooperating with the national press.

Responsible for the Clarification of young people National project through the app whatshap, Controltalk.

Doctural student in Children's Studies/Children Healthcare in Universidade do Minho.



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