• Woman XXI 2017


  • 29-30 Set. 2017

    PORTO | Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda


29-30 set. 2017


Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda

Submissão de resumos




Resumo do congresso:

- 36 Oradores convidados 

- 7 Mesas Redondas 

- 70 Trabalhos apresentados (Comunicações Orais e Posters)

- 2 dias de debate informal e multidisciplinar sobre questões de Género...e não só!


Abreu de Sousa



Abreu de Sousa


1997: Specialist in General Surgery by the Doctor's Order
European Board of Surgical Oncology (European Board of Surgery Qualification 2002)
2003: Consultant Grade in General Surgery of the Hospital Medical Carrer
IPO-Porto Surgical Oncology Service Director
IPO-Porto Breast Clinic Coordinator
IPO-Porto Clinic Direction Assessor
Invited Professor of Surgery in ICBAS's Medicine Course
President of The Portuguese Oncology Society
Scientific Societies which he belongs: Portuguese Society of Surgery, Portuguese Society of Senology, European Society of Mastology and European Society of Surgical Oncology

Alexandra Lopes

Universidade do Porto, FL


Alexandra Lopes

Universidade do Porto, FL

Áreas de interesse:  Sociologia da Saúde, Sociologia do Envelhecimento, Desigualdades e pobreza, Estudos de género. 

Alice Frade



Alice Frade


Anthropologist and executive director of P&D - Associação para a Cooperação sobre População e Desenvolvimento, Alice Frade has been working on Advocacy and Cooperation for Development for 14 years. She's author and co-author of several works in this area, specially on Education, Sexual end Reprodutive Health, Population and Developments and Human Rights. Alice Frade is also consultant on the program "Príncipes do Nada".

Alina Dudcó

Presidente da associação Kalina


Alina Dudcó

Presidente da associação Kalina

President of "Kalina", Association of Eastern European immigrants. 

Ana Cristina Ferrão



Ana Cristina Ferrão



Ana Sofia Antunes das Neves

Professora Universitária/Investigadora


Ana Sofia Antunes das Neves

Professora Universitária/Investigadora

Sofia Neves has a degree in Psychology (1999) and a PhD on Social Psychology (2005) by the Institute of Education and Psychology of Minho University (Instituto de Educação e Psicologia da Universidade do Minho). She's professor and researcher at ISMAI (Instituto Universitário da Maia) and is also a member of an interdisciplinary center of Gender Studies - Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG, ISCSP/ ULisboa). Sofia Neves has a main interest in her research area, which is the Gender Violence. 

In the present, she's president of "Associação Plano i", and also integrates work groups about Domestic and Gender Violence in the Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality (Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género) as well as the Intervention of the Psychologist with LGBT people on the Portuguese Order of Psychologists (Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses).

Constanza Ceruti



Constanza Ceruti


Constanza Ceruti is an anthropologist and mountain climber who lives in northwest Argentina. After her graduation as an anthropologist at University of Buenos Aires in 1996, she earned her Ph.D. at University of Cuyo (Mendoza) in 2001. She has become a specialist in the fields of high altitude archaeology and the anthropology of sacred mountains.  She is Scientific Investigator of the National Council for the Scientific Research (CONICET) in Argentina and a Professor at the Catholic University of Salta, as well as the founder and Director of the Institute of High Mountain Research at the same University. She is the only female Andean high-altitude archaeologist in the world.

    Ceruti has climbed over 100 mountains above 16,500 feet (5000 meters) within the context of systematic archaeological research. She has been twice on top of Aconcagua (6962 m), the highest mountain in the western hemisphere, and she ascended to the summit of Mt. Pissis (6882 m) one of the two highest volcanoes in the world. She has climbed high peaks in Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina, as well as in Mexico and Nepal. She is the author of more than one hundred scientific papers and twenty books. 

On the summit of volcano Llullaillaco (22,100 feet), the site of the highest archaeological work ever undertaken, she co-discovered three of the best preserved mummies in the world, together with several gold and silver statues and sumptuary objects of typical Inca style. After coordinating the scientific studies of the mummies and artifacts for six years, Ceruti co-authored a book on Inca Rituals and Sacred Mountains published by the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA. 

Her anthropological interest in sacred mountains and world´s religions goes beyond the vast Andean range. She has been to the Nepal Himalayas, India, Thailand, Australia, Polynesia, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Greece, Norway, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Greenland, Canada, Alaska, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and Chile. She has lectured extensively and participated in dozens of conferences worldwide.

The University of Buenos Aires awarded her with the Gold Medal. Her mountaineering achievements have been recognized with the Gold Condor, the most important award by the National Army of Argentina, for the first time given to a woman. In 2005 she became an Emerging Explorer of the National Geographic Society. In 2006 she was among the few honorees at the Prince of Asturias Award Ceremony, when the Communication and Humanities Award was given to the National Geographic Society. In 2007 she received the Courage Award from the Wings Worldquest and she was honored as a Distinguished Lecturer in Anthropology at the University of West Georgia (USA). In 2008 she received an award for her Academic Vocation in Buenos Aires. In 2009 she was a TED fellow and invited speaker at the TED global meeting in Oxford (England), as well as a Rising Talent and invited speaker at the Women´s Forum for the Economy and Society in Deauville (France). In 2010 she was honored among the most outstanding women in Salta. In 2011 she was honored by authorities in the Basque Country and she lectured at the University of Harvard. In 2014 she received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities at the Moravian College in Pennsylvania. In 2017 she was awarded the Gold Medal of the International Society of Woman Geographers.


Cyntia de Paula

Psicóloga comunitária


Cyntia de Paula

Psicóloga comunitária

Cyntia de Paula as a degree in Psychology by Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul – Brazil, and a master degree in Community Psychology by ISPA – Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada.

She is a community psychologist on the immigrants association "Casa do Brasil de Lisboa", where she works in the psychosocial care of migrants, on the orientation and guidance office. She's also the coordinator of the project "Acolhida" and mediator on the group with the same name, a group for sharing migration experiences. She's co-author of several projects on the area of migrants integration in Portugal, and nominee of the association in many platforms. 

In the past, she worked in UMAR (União de Mulheres Alternativa e Resposta), as pedagogical coordinator and  technician in the project " "Laboratório para a Igualdade através do Teatro Fórum”. 

She is an activist for the migrants rights and feminist. 

Daniel Cardoso



Daniel Cardoso


Born in 29/12/1986, in Lisbon, Portugal, Daniel Cardoso in an assistent teacher at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias - Lisbon. He is PhD at communication sciences by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and take part of a work group related with the themes Gender and Sexalities by SOPCOM; he is also part of the coordenation team of Research Network Sexuality of ESA. His interest areas are: consensual non-monogamies; sexual diversity, feminism, LGBTQ studies, youth and ciber cultures. Discover more at  www.danielscardoso.net

Djarga Seidi

President of Balodiren


Djarga Seidi

President of Balodiren

Djarga Seidi is an agronomic engineer who studied at the Tecnological Institute of Prodution and Animal Health of  Sidi Bel-Abbés, Algeria -1979. He is postgraduate in Partnership Project Management at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, and has a course on Adapted Management and Participation on Peasant Organizations (OAPa), Munich, Germany. 

In 2012 was elected nominee of immigrant Community on the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR), led by ACIDI. He also was member of an work group on Female Genital Mutilation, led by CIG (Comission for gender equality), and member of advisory board of Lusophone movement (MIL). 

Djarga Seidi is the founding member of Lusophone movement of CPLP at diaspora, which counts with the presence of CPLP Associations nominees and the Federation of Guinea-Bissau associations. 

In this moment, he is president of Balodiren, a solidarity association which supports the Guinea community. 


Sobre o Woman XXI: 

Toda a gente diz que a mulher fala muito. Toda a gente diz que a mulher percorre o shopping de uma ponta à ponta. E repete. Toda a gente diz que a mulher limpa melhor que o homem. Toda a gente diz que a mulher percebe mais de crianças. E sentimentos. 
E toda a gente diz que isto está a mudar. 
Toda a gente deveria também dizer que ainda pouco se disse, afinal, sobre a Mulher. 
O Woman XXI não é mais um congresso sobre a Mulher, é um encontro de ideias, experiências, pontos de vista, questionamentos, debates, discussões acesas e partilha de vivências. É um lugar onde se discute a pluralidade do ser-se Mulher no século XXI, com todas as nuances e abordagens multifacetadas que o tema exige. 
Por isso, pretendemos reunir todos os que têm algo a dizer sobre a Mulher nas mais diversas áreas - desde a Psicologia, a Economia, a Educação, o Desporto e Nutrição, as Artes e muitas outras - para trabalhar na construção de um conhecimento mais aprofundado e realista sobre o que é, afinal, ser Mulher na atualidade.

Acompanhe as novidades através da hashtag #WOMANXXI2017

WOMAN XXI - Porto, 29 e 30 de setembro de 2017, Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda

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